Survey topics

Customer satisfaction

A key parameter for measuring the quality of customer service.

Customer loyalty

Customer attitudes towards the existing brand and influences on preferences for other brands.

Customer acquisition

Effectiveness of up-selling and promotional activities.

Measuring service quality

Evaluation of customer care in the attributes of communication, offer, professionalism of service, etc.

Verification and control of business articles and touch points

Tracking the functioning of the entire Way of life customer i.e. from the reasons for coming to the reasons for leaving the customer portfolio.

Control purchase

Verification of the functioning of merchandising at points of sale.

Feedback customer experience

Evaluation of real experience with customer requirements e.g. complaints, information, ordering, etc. The optimal tool is NPS (Net Promoter Score).

Measuring market position

A combination of desk research and research to determine the market share of a brand or company in a competitive market.